Casino Kelowna suspends bingo activities

Despite British Columbia’s casino properties returning to normal, the impact of the unprecedented situation is still resonating with the industry. This week Chance Casino Kelowna informed the public that it would permanently suspend bingo activities on the site. Management has indicated that the offer is no longer a viable option for casinos.

Due to the emergence of an unprecedented situation in March 2020, all game centers in the province, including Chance Casino Kelowna, were closed for about 16 months. However, when BC Casino reopened in July 2021, many people closed, and later began reevaluating operations and prioritizing recovery.

On Monday morning, the management of Chance Casino Kelowna announced a difficult decision to permanently suspend bingo activities. The property explained that attendance over the past few years has been declining and the 2020 shutdown has played a major role in the decision to suspend operations because it is no longer a viable product.

After reopening last summer, the casino focused on the only active service at the time, as it decided to use Bingo Hall as a way to provide a social distancing slot machine. And despite the return of some staff, casinos were unable to bring in enough people to maintain the level needed to run large bingo facilities.

Stan Walt, the owner of Bingo Hall, said he was very proud to be part of the bingo offering at Kelowna Bingo Palace in Blue Heights Park in 1985. He recalls that the casino has had memorable bingo events for years, and that it was very difficult and upsetting that the casino could not reopen the hall.

In the announcement, the casino informed customers who still have a scanpal account and points that they could switch rewards to free slot credits. Those who win bingo buck in 2020 will receive chance buck. Currently, the building does not plan to reopen the hall, but bingo players can use the card at Kellona Senior Citizens’ Association or Playnow

Now that BC casinos are in operation and approaching unprecedented situational levels of performance, they can once again contribute to local economic and community groups. For example, in November 2021 from July 1 to September 30, 2021, Chance Casino Port St. John approved its first positive net profit allocation for Port St. John. 바카라사이트

Fast forward to this summer Limlock Casino in Port Albany, B.C., also made a special donation to a local charity. The casino collected discovered money, forgotten change, slips, and even thousands of dollars worth of charity TITO tickets. The Abbeyfield House and Kiwanis Hilton Children’s Center received CA$3,600 and CA$1,730 while the Salvation Army received undisclosed amounts.

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